In order to organize a bubble soccer game what you need is bubble balls. You need to determine what size of bubble balls you require for your group. We provide bubble balls sizes that fit most people with the height and weight of an individual. As a thumb rule, anyone less than 12 years of age require small bubble balls. Anyone over this age group may require medium or large bubble ball.
Which size of bubble balls do you need for your team? The following description can provide you some guidance however you may also call our customer service for further guidance.
Small size bubble balls (1.2M):
Suitable Weight range: 66-110 lbs or 30 – 50 kgs; Recommended Height3.9 to 5.1 ft.
Small size bubbles are best suited for children from the age group of 7 to 12 years. Some teenagers may also use a small bubble balls
Medium size bubble balls (1.5M):
Suitable Weight range: 110-230 lbs 50 -105kgs ;Recommended Height: 5.2 to 6.5 ft.
Medium size bubble ball fits most teenagers and adults. Even if you are a bit higher in Weight in height range and you may think you require large size, you can still fit in this size bubble balls well.
Over the years we have learned and made changes to the design in such a way that this size fits most teenagers and adults thereby giving you some peace of mind while to assemble the team determine which size will fit the best for my group.
Large size bubble balls (1.7M):
Suitable Weight range: 230 -265 lbs 105 -120kgs;Recommended Height:6.5 to 7.2ft
These bubble balls are very large in size and are generally used by very few people. Unlike medium size bubble balls, these bubble balls fit only the players who weigh more than 240 lbs or higher or their height is more than 6.8 ft. These bubble balls may also fit the players with lesser heights as well but the weight is the main criteria to determine if the players require a medium or a large size bubble ball. Generally, players with more than 240lbs require large bubble balls.
Before ordering please check with our customer service or our Event Coordinator if this size is the one you are looking for the participants in your group.
In case you are not able to determine the exact size, you may order medium size and ask our representative to bring large size to the site. Our field coordinator will be able to determine which size fits the best for your teammate.
Please note that if you do not make a special request to our Event Coordinator, the items will be dispatched as per your order.
The large size bubble ball is usually 1.7 to 1.75 meters in diameter (Outer diameter). The inner diameter may vary between 65 to 70 cm.
How many Bubble Balls do I need?
As a minimum, you need 8 players to play 4 on 4 bubble soccer game. If the number of players are more than 8, you may sub-in players. This will reduce per player charges. Whatever the case may be, you can either order a bubble for everyone and substitute players. The duration of play will depend on the group size.
In addition, you may require additional items that may be essential in a typical bubble soccer game depending upon where you are playin
g and your budget.
Do I need additional items such as soccer nets and soccer ball etc? Generally, soccer nets are provided by the venue however if you are organizing a game outdoors, soccer nets may be required. Alternatively, you may order pylons with no additional cost to you. You may also bring your own soccer ball to play, thereby avoid paying for it separately.
Do we need a generator: The generator is only required if there is no power outlet near the venue. Other items; you may order other items per your needs. Please check our productS list for details or contact our Event Coordinator at 647-657-6090 (24-hour service- Text only)
Once you have determined the sizes of the bubble balls and the additional items you may require, you are good to go for ordering. You may simply click “Get a Quote” button provided at the end of this page or order online.